Aramor Duskwallow

FFXIV DJ and Magitek Specialist

Owner and house DJ for Ceruleum on Mateus.


  • Conscripted into the Garlean military as an orphan Aramor was found to have talents with Magitek and worked his way up to being a Garlean Citizen

  • Seeing the atrocities committed by the Empire made Aramor swear to escape to Eorzea while spending years gathering Garlean magitek state secrets

  • During the events of the Ultima weapon Aramor was stationed at Castrum Meridianum and was able to escape before the base was destroyed

  • The wounded Elezen wouldn't have made it far without the help of a wandering botonist and a kindhearted mercenary that took it upon themselves to nurse him back to health

  • Once recovering the 3 made their way to Ishgard where Aramor had his only contact in Eorzea.

  • After speaking to the Authorities Aramor was able to give away the Garlean secrets for a plot of land in Empyreum, enough gil to start a business, and word that the Temple Guard would keep their distance